Heirs of the Kings Review (polednick)
An interesting little game, sadly without anything real new content.
Plot: Again a cast of teens must find items to save the world from evil.
Doing that they must follow a (again) very linear storyline. Meaning they must conquer dungeon a before dungeon b and only after b can they do c.
The usual with Exe: of course you could buy overpriced cheat dlc (you won't need them even with hard the game is soooo easy).
There is your special shop you can a)buy only with special coins (for every 3 fights you'll get some)
or b) play a lottery to win weapons or cosmetic items.
Another special shop with less interesting items (and you must use other special coins to buy).
Merging your weapons into super duper weapons of mass destruction.
Arena fights where you can win a) coins for shop b and b) items for expanding your skills....wait this needs a special pointer.
Skills: Now we get to the selling point for this game. You see there are Fire, Wind and Water elements/skills and your brave party visiting certain shrines will get the associated scroll for that shrine. With it a certain member of the party (Heir to Fire, Wind or Water) gets a second list of skills.
Either way, you will get skillpoints after leveling up or found items to raise your skillpoints. With it you can buy skills from a rooster build like a spider web. Most times it is just raise luck or vitality by 2 points, sometimes it is an actual skill.
OH, but all of them are lined up like a web with little knots. And you must buy the knots one by one.
But that's not all. You can also get/buy items that can raise the value of already bought knots...making a former +2 strenght a + 5 strength (and more if you re-raise it again). There is a little obctacle for endless rising...time. After the first raise you must wait till the timer is running out for that knot or a) risk to lose the item because there is only a little chance to raise it during that time...or b) use a special item that can raise 100%.
Now that's most of this game. Again the balance can be destroyed from the get go if you play the lottery and get a weapon +100 (or more) or buy an item that rise 2 attributes by 50 each.
For me most of the time it was automatic fights because you simply can't lose.
Can I recommend this game? Only for those who want to play a simple and (in my opintion) somewhat childish game (most hated moment for me: at every conversation each character jumps into the air before speaking) . And even than I would wait till the price is reduced.
No, I can't recommend this game even reduced for €13.50 you can find far better games.