Helldivers 2 Review (Michael {United Critics})
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Helldivers 2 Review
About The Game
An epic 1-4 player PvE First/Third person shooter filled with intense and epic battles, where you will find yourself fighting on dozens or more planets facing off against Terminid bugs, Automaton machines and yet to be seen threats in the name of Super Earth and Democracy.
The game takes place 100 years after the events of the first game with the resurgence of Democracy hating murderous enemies looking to once again threaten the peace and freedom of the superior human race.
The story progresses as Major orders are failed or succeeded, with the progression planned for either scenario, which makes it engaging to check in with the game every few days for new story events.
You start off in a boot camp tutorial, where you are introduced to all the game’s basic mechanics like walking, shooting, healing destroying enemy spawns, calling in equipment and the like.
Afterwards you will find yourself on your very own Super Destroyer which you get to name using a number of preset words to combine into a name fitting your peace-dispensing space ship. There you will find you can collect samples on missions to upgrade call-in equipment and air support, as well as unlock new equipment and weapons using Requisition (base currency).
You will also find a Warbond store, which is a store where you can buy new pieces of armor, capes, weapons, grenades and perks and premium currency, which you buy with Warbonds. (medals found in matches, rewards for completing missions, private objectives and major orders)
There is also a premium store, where you can buy additional armor and equipment not available to the regular store, but still using the same Warbonds. (You can get enough premium currency to buy premium passes from missions and other passes)
From the map at the deck, you can select the world you want to drop onto to complete missions, but those worlds depend on the progress of fellow helldivers, as once a world is liberated you can no longer access it unless it is retaken by enemies, which happens via Story events where you have to defend a planet to 100% in a set amount of time, otherwise it gets taken over by the enemy.
Once your world is chosen you get to select the sets of mission you want to complete, your weapons and up to 4 pieces of call-in equipment and deploy. (Number of equipment may be reduced depending on a world’s passive effect)
The equipment can be called in once you land, which is done via directional/button prompts, adding an extra bit of engagement to the game, but be careful, as a wrong input means you have to do it all over again. And try not to fall when holding call ins, as if you get knocked down you will drop them, meaning they will be called in right on top of you which can prove deadly.
There are various sets of objectives which you can see available on the world map, and they work in various sets depending on the difficulty. (Only 2 missions on lower difficulties, 3 missions on higher difficulty)
When the objective is complete, you can extract to gain bonus Requisition depending on the number of surviving Helldivers, and the amount of Sample you survived with.
If you complete the objective but the squad gets fully wiped, all is good, you died for a good cause and completed your objective. If you get wiped and failed to succeed… Let’s just say that the records won’t show it.
There is a limited amount of respawns available depending on the number of Helldivers in your squad. For each Helldiver the number goes up by 5, up to a maximum of 20.
Each world also has it’s own passive de-buffs and events making a planet more hostile to life, or just making it more difficult/longer to get your hands on call-in equipment.
And if a fellow Helldiver disconnects from the game, you can call down a SoS beacon to increase the chances of someone else taking their place.
After completing the mission sets the % of world liberation goes up, and once it reaches 100% the world is once again under the control of Democracy.
The game looks amazing and cinematic and is pretty well optimized, the enemies have various designs which also look great. It’s not the best-looking game, but it’s pretty high up there.
Audio & Music
The game has some great and epic soundtracks to accompany you on your missions, and is also voice acted for NPCs on your ships and announcer while on mission. Your character is also voice acted, spitting some cheesy lines as well as screams of terror, pain and freedom as they get torn to shreds or shot to bits.
Pros & Cons
Fun and repetitive gameplay,
Amazing atmosphere and cinematic feeling,
Variety of maps,
Overall fun time with friends and randoms,
Variety of weapons and equipment to use,
Freedom loving and Democratic (Anyone says otherwise, report them)
Lots of issues with game crashes and they mess up the game sessions stats and bugs out.
Meta of certain weapons, leaving not much reason to use others.
The crash issues are getting fixed all the time so there is less crashes that are occurring.
The game is overall an amazing experience, well worth the price as you can easily sink at the very least dozens, more likely hundreds of hours and still enjoy the experience. It does have some issues with crashing, but that’s about the only thing I can think to complain of.
Review Update May 6th 2024
They have backtracked on the PSN account linking due to all the negative feedback on it.
So it will not be required anymore.
Review Update May 4th 2024
The review has been changed to negative due to the requirement of linking a PSN account to play the game.
Disregard any previously stated negative points, as the traitor who wrote them has been dealt with.
Remember, for Glory, Freedom, Democracy and Liber Tea.
Rating: 8.5/10