House Flipper: Pets Review (Meef)
ETA 2 -
Date: 7/14/22 (Up-Day)
I cant. I just cant with this game...Ok yall win, lmfao. Im already dying and Ive been playing for literally 15 minutes.
"Bone Hurting Juice Bottle"
So far, no gripes, I absolutely ADORE the little hats they come with, and already have one on everybody, and adopted another cat (now have 3 dogs, 2 cats, 2 fish- one in hotel-, 1 spuder, and 1 sneke, with a rat cage going to adopt 2 rats - if possible will find out-). Yall really blew my expectations out the window with this update, and honestly have put yourselves in the good books. SO FAR. I will be adding more to this, cause like. Im now invested into this review. So yah. :)
*K. I lied. The "Heres Johnny" bottle (ya know suppose to have brown liquid in it?) doesnt. But im shrugging that off due to it being super small, but only problem Ive personally noticed so far.
ETA 1 -
Date: 7/13/22 (day before update)
Wanted to ETA: cause idk of this will even be read?
So when you load up the game you get little info snippets right? Well today, it gave me a Pet DLC snippet with the animal dude.
Yall really expect me to take "Guinea pigs are herd animals, they dont like being alone!" and not add more points about why this DLC is bad?
That right there is what makes it bad. You tell your community and players this information, yet you make it unable to do said information for some reason? Like. Common sense is just gone?
*I was grumpy, and kinda mean, so take that into account.
Original review below
So, as I said in the main game review. Im not the owner of this account, Im the wife (I do have my own Steam, but his games are more fun)
Reasons Im personally not recommending this is because of issues already presented and talked about, but a few thing I have also experienced that no ones mentioned.
Cons: So basic cons.
-The pets glitch, and shake, and get stuck on objects for extended amounts of time and you are unable to fix/help until it sorts itself out. ~seems to be fixed atm~
-The "needs" are broken, and it was only AFTER I bought a Pets DLC house (The Blue Snuggery for those interested) that their needs started registering. And its still broken. They dont need baths (even when theyre extremely dirty, like the Collie from the first pet quest you do. Got dirty again and never registered it needed cleaning, same with the Adult Husky I adopted). So happiness, and sleep work, but thats about it. ~Seems to be fixed, will find out soon~
-My snake disappearing. I adopted the female orange corn snake, and when I went to check on them she disappeared. I had to finagle my camera around to see that it was glitching out. ~Havent seen her disappear YET, so seemingly fixed atm~
-Beds. Oh. My. GOD. In the 2nd house, I now have a dog bed stuck in a damned corner that I cant sell, move, nothing. Its literally stuck. Its the one with the 3 pillows on it, I forgot the name of it, but be weary of that. Also, the Collie got stuck in the bed, and I was unable to pet, pick up, anything. It got stuck so long it started needing "Sleep" while on the BED. So yeah. (ETA. RESTART YOUR GAME IF THIS HAPPENS!! Its the only way to get it to work or even get out of the bugged mess. Also. Just never interrupt your animal while theyre in the middle of an animation. It will break them and result in...well. That) ~Seemingly fixed, and I have learned my lesson about interrupting animations, so that too. Will find out momentarily~
-The sizes of certain things. Ok. I fully understand that pet products IRL are GIANT some times. I own a 100lb dog, and 2 cats myself. The dog bed in this game, SHOULD NOT take up HALF my room though. Like ffs have some realistic standards. The Large Cat Play Area, is in the dinning room of the 2nd house cause I had no where else to put it. It sucks. ~Biggest gripe, and doubt will get changed, BUT it seems like stuff can be more compact, and downsizing SOME beds does seem to be an option to bypass this problem (may not be as cute or cool but hey they tried, so qootoes to that)~
-The aquariums. Again. HAVE REALISTIC STANDARDS. The Iguana Tank SHOULDNT be taller than ceiling, nor should it take up. Again. HALF MY ROOM SPACE. >:( ~Again, doubt they can really change it, so idk what to do about it. They did state that SOME animals can be in pairs, and im going to be finding out which ones. Will put a list in a future ETA~
-Paw Prints. So in the starter shack, I could clean the paw prints and such and be fine, but now all of a sudden I cant? And theyre EVERYWHERE. I cant remove them. Its bugging the f outta me cause I hate having random object (like dirt and such) strewn about showing up on my map that I cant so anything about. ~Idk yet about these, will find out since at least 3 of them are in places I have to break walls down or move certain things (bushes or such) to get to~
-Being in the way. Stay/Follow command is broken, this is something already mentioned, but its really broken. They constantly keep getting in the way of everything, like I was trying to lay down 'surface' for an outside patio. The Pomeranian (White, Adult) I have kept laying in the last square I needed. Despite it being on "Stay" it constantly follows me around. ~New commands seem to have fixed this, although they still get in the way if you dont have them set on 'Stay', so now its user error~
-Comment from the dev on another review. This is a PETS DLC. You shouldnt be caring about "flipping" and that when it comes to a DLC. You should be worried about shoving as much PETS content that you can for the price your asking and you have failed that major requirement. If your THAT concerned about making sure you have content for "both things". Stop. Just stop making the game cause all your doing is scamming people and taking money that isnt for the content we purchased. ~This is still valid. Dont focus on "Main Game" content when working on a very specific DLC, cause it takes away from the majority of why SOME OF US buy these DLCs. BUT, they did more content for the same price, for qootoes to that~
-Lack of interaction with pets. Why am all allowed to do is pet them? Like..playing or giving them a treat does nothing, and means nothing. Its literally the DEFINITION of "dumb gameplay for children" ~They did reply saying they added more interface, and they did. Im not much of an interactor unless they need something, but I do like giving them treats and pets when I come across. So to be able to do more is definitely nice.~
-The space again. I want to collect, own and take care of ALL the animals in the DLC and I cant because of how damn big the Aqauriums are. Like you should be able to mix the fish, thats common sense.,..... Who wants a tank with ONE kind of fish? ~Still a gripe of mine, but idk if they can change that/IF they did. So it just may be one of those things that you just.. Put them in the Hotel~
What I find enjoyable about this DLC, and really any of the others is very minimal and shouldve been in the base game from the get-go and not requiring me to spend 50 dollars on it.
Questionable tactics that peeve me:
-Stairs - Shouldve been the get-go. BS its not.
-Extra buyers (I dont sell so doesnt pertain to me) Shouldve been get-go.
-The "choice" system is the wall fucking broken its dumb.
-The "budget" you should be able to toggle that. Im sorry. Im a completionist and almost EVERY DAMN TIME I do a "Choice" one. I 90% of the time almost run out of budget.
Again, these are a mix of the other DLCs too. So Im compiling them in the "Pet Peeves" (lol...)
Are there really any? No. What is a "pro" is just....You get to own an animal. Whoo....Not worth 15 dollars. Ever.