Humankind: Cultures of Africa Review (Igor)
For Africa! For Amplitude! I bought the whole enchilada because support. Music and everything. Developers earned it.
I think a lot of people got this game expecting outdated gameplay based on older 4X games. Well change comes with chaos like these reviews. It's just sad no one understands how unique this game truly is. I mean, if you suck and need the game to change then that's on you. Try a different culture, take the challenge, work with what you got and get better. Only thing unbalanced is your skills. Go back twenty years, games would never be updated like modern capabilities. Ungrateful.
And what I admire is how the developers keep rolling with the punches. Don't like game end conditions? Updated. Don't like certain culture's "unbalances?", Updated. And now, a DLC too early... Complaints on complaints - it's a diseases worse than the pandemic. The moment you guys find a bug, you run to reviews like that will help anyone in reality. How about submitting a bug report? I bet shytting on developers feels good.
Give them the respect they earned. They made a game based on the impact made through culture. Like social media, attention and interactions is currency. Fame is a currency in the game. Influence is currency. Who thought of that in all honestly. And in a decade or less, the naysayers will see it's true potential and value.
HUMANDKIND is ahead of it's time. Watch how other 4X games copy and paste the originality.
TLTR: Bingbong