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cover-Hunt: Showdown 1896 - Myth of the Moors

Wednesday, July 26, 2023 12:43:49 AM

Hunt: Showdown 1896 - Myth of the Moors Review (jcbvickers)

EDIT: They did add it to the complete edition and I was able to refund and get it at normal price. I refuse to believe this was an error though and I think they just got a ton of negative feedback. That being said I will change to positive now since they fixed what I was complaining about even though these skins aren't the coolest ever.
I am buying this just to let Crytek know that I am not going to continue to buy every DLC if I can't AT LEAST get my loyalty discount for completing the collection. I get every DLC so everytime a new one comes out I get a few dollars off by using the "complete my collection" option. This DLC is not part of that which is just so messed up because the only people it affects are the super loyal fans that already have every DLC.
People might say "Well you don't HAVE to buy it." and they would be right. However, that is exactly why I should still be given the discount because a lot of these DLCs aren't even for weapons I use and I don't have to buy them, I just choose to to support Crytek which is why this is so annoying.