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cover-Infinity Strash: Dragon Quest - The Adventure of Dai

Thursday, December 12, 2024 5:19:55 AM

Infinity Strash: Dragon Quest - The Adventure of Dai Review (CloseDrop)

Normally I would simply say "tis good" on my review, but that's not really helpful now is it?

I wouldn't recommend this game unless of course you're passionate about adventure of Dai itself, and I wouldn't say it's worth it at full price. The game is quite good if you like 3D fighters, and especially roguelikes or roguelites I'm not really sure what the difference is. The temple of recollection focuses on this roguelite/like mechanic and is honestly one of the most fun parts of the game! It can feel a bit grind-y since the core gameplay is just fighting to get stronger and then fight bosses, but if that's what you're into then I say to give it a go!

The story isn't done very well in terms of how it's shown, but the plot is very good since it just follows the anime's. I'm not a fan of which parts of it they chose to animate vs. do a recreation of in showing frames with a voiceover play-by-play though, however, the ones that they do choose to animate look stunning and I am in love with the models! Seeing the characters in 3D is definitely worth it if you're a fan of the series!! Although, if you're not a fan of the gameplay style then I would recommend just watching the animated cutscenes on Youtube as an alternative.

I think that for the most part the achievement hunting and the hack and slash style gameplay are most of the appeal, as well as getting to play as characters from the series. (Although I am mildly disappointed that you never get to play as Avan :,)) Overall, the game is very fun and can easily suck up a couple hours if you're not careful!!