Inside Review (Meecle)
ehhhhhhhh....... it's alright. Not for me.
The game is visually stunning. The sound design was also very good. The themeing was also very nice. That's all this game seems to do for me, however. Despite the atmosphere or themeing being well executed to such a high degree, I often found myself bored, frustrated and confused. There are some neat mechanics, but the puzzles would either be too linear and simple or very open and confusing. And the rest of the gameplay is either running or swimming. The protagonist is not even super fun to control, and is kind of slow. And also, there is SO MUCH SWIMMING! Why? I don't really mind swimming in video games but there is an unnecessary amount of swimming to be done. The only 'side content' this game has to offer are these secret capsule thingies you can find if you explore. There are not that many of these, and based off the ones that I could find, they are either very simple and easy to find or they are incredibly obscure.
The story is supposedly one of the main parts of this game but it is so open-ended that I could not find much interest in it. It starts out interesting, but then the puzzles and filler start to take over with only little hints of the story sprinkled into certain areas. Then towards the second half of the game the narrative starts to kick in again but this time it starts getting confusing, up until the final act and it ends in a very anti-climactic fashion. The ending makes no sense to me? And there is so little context and background information to theorise anything about it. And what I mean about "filler", I mean that there is a lot of travelling in random places, such as overgrown areas or mine shafts or flooded buildings? I am so confused on why we are travelling through these places other than to end up in the final area, which very conveniently happens to be at the end of all that traversing. And the protagonist? Why does he think travelling through such places will work out in the end? Why are we even going to where we are going? How does he know where to... go? And if he doesn't, why are we ending up in such convenient places to meet up with the bad guys? The final act is also... a thing that happens. All the shenanigans that happen in the final act is not explained and is so confusing. Why is everything so damn confusing?!
Overall the game is still well-made. There is clearly a lot of effort that was put into the game, and it offered a neat experience. However based on what I've said above, there is a lot this game does not do well to me. This game is not worth its full price, but this game seems to be going on a lot of big sales so you can try it out and see for yourself.