Knight vs Giant: The Broken Excalibur Review (SienzPotato)
An Okay Game to play. You'll basically finish the 2nd Last Boss under 10 hours. The last Boss, however, requires you to have beaten the game at least 8-9 times before he is unlocked. To even begin to beat one "2nd last boss which goes in this order, Beginner Mini & Main Boss -> Desert Mini & Main Boss -> Volcano Mini & Main Boss + Void Boss subsequently right after. (Void boss is the 2nd last boss, and defeating it sends you back home as a Win for now, until the 8-9th time that unlocks the last boss).
You'll unlock more upgrades to your castle over time. You'll need "Crystals" which you can buy from the merchant at 300 in-game souls, or obtaining one after beating a Main Boss each 2 floors.
Lots of repetition gameplay here, but all you'd have to unlock to beat the 2nd last boss once -> thrice, is to simply upgrade Base Damage at the blacksmith, wear +Base damage % and +Soul Drop%, and did I forget to mention +upgrade Soul Drops too?
These two will ensure you beat the game once-> thrice over under 10 hours time, with a mouse and keyboard, using BORS. The rest are kinda in the way, since you only need 1 Knight to beat, and unlock everything.
Overall, for a price of $12 dollars for 10 or so hours of gameplay.
Yeah sure, It's an okay game to have.
Replayability......? once you have level 12/ 20 Bors, and 3rd blood crystal (NG 3+), it's all kinda repetitive to redo, over and over again with Lancelot, Gawain, Percival, Tristan, etc etc knights of the round.
But for a game under/ appx $10 dollars.
yeah, it's cool.