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cover-Layers of Fear

Tuesday, March 5, 2024 12:35:26 AM

Layers of Fear Review (amphetamachine)

Are you looking for a thought-provoking nightmare that you'll think about years after you play? Go play Amnesia, this is the amateur hour.

Looks all right.
Puzzle design isn't too frustrating I suppose.


Jump scare fatigue: Since practically every room has one, the jump scares are predictable after the first couple rooms, and even expected.
Confused narrative: It's like watching a David Lynch film! I can't make heads or tails of what's actually happening, in what order, or what's just a dream/hallucination. I don't think it's even explained who you (the player character) are! It's like the game devs played too much Amnesia the Dark Descent and decided to make a fan sequel without any structured or cohesive narrative.
The artist says he used body parts, but WHOSE, and WHY? What the heck is anyone's motivation here? Did the wife go "insane," or did she just leave? Did someone drown in the bathtub? Who's in the wheel chair?
Oh, there's lots of implied plot elements, but they conflict and nothing is explained.
It's like the game is afraid of actually having a real plot, instead saying, "Oh, I have a plot. It is super spooky, perhaps the spookiest you've ever heard! So spooky, I bet you won't even be able to handle it!" Okay what is it? "Oh it's super spooky, rest assured!"
Bad writing: It felt like the writers were inexperienced, putting things in yellowed and faded typewritten letters like the phrase "nightmare fuel" which is a blatant internet-ism and not something someone would say. The game is a period piece, (I guess?) but there's no clear indication of the dates when the letters are written. But who knows, the narrative is so confused it might as well be happening today, I dunno.

Look, the reason Amnesia was so effective as a horror game was because it had a coherent plot, and there were explanations (supernatural ones count!) for the stuff that was going on. It was clear who the player character was (Daniel), it was clear what the dates were (each journal entry specified), there was a clear goal (learn what happened to make you lose your memory).
And it wasn't a jumpscare-a-minute-a-thon!