Madden NFL 24 Review (I L L)
This is quite possibly the worst Madden game EVER produced. I haven't bought one in a few years so I figured I was due. BIG MISTAKE. Do not believe the lies about improved anything or added features. The features added are either useless, broken or both. They're also just re-added features from old Madden games that are poorly re-implemented.
-1 out of 5 running plays will have a holding penalty so it's basically pointless. I had to turn off holding completely to be able to run the ball.
-Controller will drop input at random either in menus or during plays. Happens more often in menus resulting in random scrolling.
-Route running gets broken during press coverage and receivers just run around random directions or right out of bounds. They also just stop running routes at random. Slant route? You meant stop running at the hash mark right? Picked.
-Random frame rate drops for no reason at all.
-Constant mini-freezing in menus when trying to call plays.
-Probably removed more features from franchise mode than they added, and the implementation on those added are awful copy and pastes from past games.
-"Manage team" is a whole menu just to rebuild your entire stadium, to the same 6 templates they had 10 years ago, or relocate. No upgrades, no renovations. Absolutely nothing new at all, just half way re-added features from old games.
-Absolutely ridiculous glitchy ball carriers breaking 10 tackles, spinning out of a massive pile up and running 80 yards for a TD. Don't worry though, most long runs get called back for holding even if it's 50 yards behind the play.
-The training camp drills are broken. They're either glithched to the point of being pointless (Pass rush tunnel drill. The linemen will follow you down the tunnel and get in the way) Or just about learning to exploit buggy AI (WR Red Zone Drill. The only way to get the top score is to run whip routes over and over again). The "drills" are pointless and have no application on how to play Madden or football.
-Commentary is the worst I've ever heard. Pointless rambling that has nothing to do with what is happening. Or things like "That Ravens defense was really great last week in their win against Baltimore." Zero quality control as usual.
My first instinct was to refund immediately and I should have listened. I'm going to play a few seasons of franchise mode and go back to College Football Revamped because NCAA 14 is a better game than any Madden in the last decade.