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cover-Mafia III

Sunday, May 12, 2024 9:44:45 PM

Mafia III Review (CooperTeam)

When this game first came out, I didn't have as many problems before the "Definitive Edition" came out. Then suddenly, I started seeing more and more problems. Some of the problems I have seen so far are as follows since it became the "Definitive Edition"...
1.) Mission Critical locations/items/people don't appear or can't be seen when I arrive. It clearly shows that something can be done or someone is there, but there is nothing there.
2.) Environments tend to disappear/reappear as I am walking or driving from place to place, location to location
3.) Although it was extremely rare, there were times I was being shot at and yet my mini-map as well as direct observation shows there's no one there, yet I am taking damage from an invisible NPC.
4.) Because items/locations/NPC's couldn't be displayed or seen, missions that were on a time limit were impossible to complete, even after restarting the mission and even after re-loading the game.
5.) I even went so far as to constantly make sure my graphics drivers were up to date and even making sure I wasn't loading no more than minimum tasks/processes, and yet I still had the above mentioned problems.
6.) Before the Definitive version, I didn't have to go through a lot of steps to get the game to run. When I finally decided to go back and play this game again, it seems I had to go through some steps just to get this game to work. First, I had to run the game as "Administrator", I had to restart the Steam app, then I had to even go so far as to make sure all the original files were there and, even though I knew I installed the game, I did get an error message saying a couple files were missing. When I tried to run the game directly after it was installed through Steam, it kept giving me error messages. After reading through the Steam comments, and reading the 2K Games web site, I had to do the above mentioned to get this game to work. What the hell 2K Games? Now I have to jump through hoops and perform backflips to get this game to work? Plus, their "Launcher" program, which loads first before you can load the game, is pure non-sense.
Next time you plan to make a game, only to follow it with a "Definitive" or "Special" edition, give us both versions, not one or the other. This way we can play the version that works better, for situations like this. I swear I did not have this many problems with this game before they decided to update/upgrade the game. The way the game is designed now, it's near impossible to complete missions/quests. There's way too much glitch issues and needs to be seriously addressed. This will be the last time I buy this series until they decide to get off their lazy A$$ and fix these glitches. I've already paid too much when this game came out thinking this was going to be a great game.
Just because you slapped the word "DEFINITIVE EDITION" on it, doesn't mean you made it better. In this case, I think you tried you fix something that wasn't really broke. Whatever it was you tried to do to this game, you might want to revert back to the original game because I seriously did not have this many issues before the "Definitive Edition".