Metro Exodus: Sam's Story Review (FLUFFY)
I loved the Metro Exodus base game playing as Artyom: It was a linear story driven game architecture that was easy to understand what you needed to do in order to progress, and what you could optionally do as side missions. However, this all goes out the window on the Sam's Story DLC: For the most part it follows the same linear story driven architecture of the base Metro Exodus game, however, I am currently stuck on a particular mission where it seems impossible to progress any further.
Situation: The mission task is to "collect a boat and reach the fire station". Sure enough, it isn't hard to find a boat, however I have spent a significant amount of time driving and walking around this one particular map in order to find out what the actual f@ck I am supposed to be doing. The fire station that I am supposed to go to will not display on the map unless you drive a boat around a specific side of a specific island in a specific direction (after killing the bandits), and even once you do this and the fire station appears on the map, you still can't get to it because the map blocks it off. There are zero indicators on how to get to your objective. The game developers have literally left you to aimlessly wonder around f@cking about trying to figure out what the hell is going on.
I have wasted more time figuring out how the f@ck I am supposed to be getting to this fire station, sure enough I had to use google to find an answer and apparently I am supposed to fight a batwing (boss battle (I hate boss battles, they are a cheesy thing of the past)). This is odd because in the base game you are not forced into doing anything other than the core story missions, so it is very counter intuitive compared to the Metro Exodus base game.
After wasting an amazing amount of time and resources on this mission, trying to figure out how to progress, google has given me an answer, but there is still a problem remaining. As I have wasted significant resources, I do not have the medical supplies to survive the batwing encounter, and because you cannot revert a mission to the start (you must completely restart Sam's Story from the very beginning), I have reached an impasse.
Progress cannot be achieved. Either I continue to do the same thing over and over again in hope that I get lucky enough to survive the batwing encounter without medical supplies, or restart Sam's Story. I should not that there are not enough resources accessible at this point within the map to craft more medical supplies.
For this reason, I strongly advise against getting this DLC as a single poorly designed mission can detract from the entire story. All I feel now when I play is how extremely infuriating this mission is and how it is nothing like playing as Artyom in Metro Exodus. If this was any other DLC, or especially if it was a standalone game/core game, I would be asking for a refund, but I enjoyed playing the story from Artyom's point of view so hopefully after this awful mission I can enjoy this DLC.