Minecraft: Legends Review (Bluuu2)
The game was abandoned after launch. I thought the game had an odd long tutorial but... Turns out that's just how the whole game is apparently. The game is truly very visually appealing, but there's a lot of issues with the game that do add up to a bad experience:
- The game seems to be made to be played with a controller and as such as very odd keyboard and mouse controls that aren't common on a PC game but typical of consoles games.
- The game relies a lot on having an army of allies for combat, but their AI is incredibly stupid and doesn't do the most basic thing you could probably even imagine it could do. Many times i had to "capture" them to select and send them again against a certain direction or else they wouldn't attack after going forward.
- The game will require you to make bridges and stairs and it fails at that. Most of the times the game won't understand where you want to put your stairs and will simply say you can't build it that big or high, and, if because the game doesn't pause when construction, you might face quite some damage while trying to make your stairs happen. If this wasn't enough, enemies can pull you out of position, ruining entirely the very precise and careful attempt at placing stairs. Awful.
- The main character is mostly useless. The game seems to be strategy oriented, so why the controls for the main character seem to divert from that? If damage needs to be done by the main character it's necessary to spam buttons, and i assure you there's not a single indicator of damage or HP on enemy structures. The main character is also very fragile and consequences are severe if you die in battle, unlike the allies that are expendable and renewable.
I bought this on launch because i thought this would be incredible with all those trailers and announcements made at big events and conferences but it ended up being a big disappointment. Unfortunately, I had played this game for over 2 hours when i decided it was not good enough. This game is one of the worst i've ever played.