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cover-Mini Metro

Sunday, February 6, 2022 4:19:24 AM

Mini Metro Review (Mystic Duck)

Mini Metro is a beautifully elegant and minimal game from Dinosaur Polo Club in which you need to build a system of train lines to connect procedurally-generated stations and prevent overcrowding. Each level is on a map inspired by a real life transit system with minor changes to gameplay. Some maps require a lot of bridges and tunnels to traverse bays and rivers while others change the trains themselves including Osaka's Shinkansen, Cairo's low-capacity trains and Melbourne's crawling tram system. Each map also includes at least two challenges and associated achievements, one easy and one harder
Because there is a high amount of randomness behind the generation of train stations, grabbing all 63 achievements like I did may cost your sanity. My final achievement "Second Harbor Crossing", probably took about 20 hours of plan and many many cursewords.
Despite all this, there is really no other game like Mini Metro (except perhaps Mini Motorway by the same studio) and I thoroughly enjoyed the vast majority of my experience with this game in reaching full achievements.