Mortal Kombat 1 Review (Yerrrt)
- cutscenes stutter unless you tweak your Geforce panel
- everything is locked at 30FPS, except PART of the matches : menus, invasion map, intros, fatalities, fatal blows, etc, are in 30FPS, making the game struggle when switching from 60FPS to 30FPS, sometimes dropping to 15-20FPS during intros for example
1) Invasion :
- no minimap to navigate, when backtracking for chests etc, jeez wtf ?
- terrible AI with hyper armor on most moves, leads to very annoying challenges that are unnecessarily difficult. (IE, 4000 health NPCs with super armour, just for the sake of having a fight be long)
- very few modifiers during fights compared to MK11 -maybe 1/10th ?
- 2 mini-games : evade the balls and test your might
- inventory space is ULTRA SMALL, and yet, they keep on dropping tons of talismans and konsumables on you, forcing you to manage inventory after EVERY fight after a while
- terrible rewards
- super grindy (you can clear the whole mode and might not even have finished levelling 1 character / 1 kameo), so everyone has started to figure out the best way is to grind HARD and just do the same fight on the first mesa over and over and over.
2) Story (slight spoiler)
- first part is fine
- second part is 2020's favourite plot, overused : multiverse ! yay ! (yawn)
3) Shrine
- a joke : you spend 1000G, get a random item, 90% of them are artworks, and you CANT get more than A SINGLE item at a time + it takes a good 10-15 seconds for the animation to go through. This makes using the shrine incredibly inconvenient, especially when you have stacked up gold.
4) Online
- Kombat League is now First to 3, meaning you might get stuck with a wifi laggy dude for up to 5 TOTAL MATCHES ... yeah you still can't deny a WiFi user in that mode for some reason. Garbage. Pure garbage.
- Netcode is sure as F not a pure rollback netcode : under 80ms, it seems like they use rollback, but beyond that point, it feels a lot like an old school input delay netcode, meaning your timings aren't "offline like", and you have huge delay during combos. SF6 completely destroys MK1, when it comes to online. Objectively.
- Lot of matches that seem stuck, with character select screen "loading" for 1min+, or clash lasting 1min+, etc ... Seems not tied to people's rig, since it happens randomly or not with the same opponent.
5) Customization
- a LOT LESS customization compared to MK11 : 1 gear slot instead of 3, 3 base skins instead of 6, no way to customize intro poses or win poses, no LOADOUTS meaning you can't switch skin at character select in 2023 in a fighting game (lol), etc etc
- gear slot choices are ultra weird, since male ninjas can pick masks or go maskless, but female ninjas can't . . .
- overall ugly alternate skins for most of the cast, I guess they saved good ones for the SHOP
6) Features
- they removed the option to pin moves on-screen to learn characters more easily
-Mics aren't muted by default so everyone online is hotmicing
- no Krypt, which was one of the best features in MK11, in exchange we get "Invasions" which is a sub-par gamemode that isn't fleshed out at all, feels like a last minute addition. There is a max of 2 minigames during this, test your might and the ball dodging game that you can literally stand still the entire duration for and come out winning because they don't do enough damage to you, so you can AFK it. The rest of the fights get increasingly more annoying to deal with to the point that you feel forced to use OP talismans that will instakill the NPCs..
7) Kameos
- prepare to see Sareena and Frost almost 95% of the time : Sareena lets you throw 2 boomerangs for 4 hits, full screen, for very very easy hit confirms and neutral, while Frost uses a full screen low-ice-projectile, that also lets you confirm into full combo from full screen. Fun.
- already tons of unbalanced stuff : Jax and Goro can setup unblockable combos, Kung Lao lets you combo after some throws (!) and create very easy throw loops setups in the process, etc
- hope you enjoy 20sec+ combos lol
Overall :
- bad port
- not a great game either
-Has a severe lack of content in comparison to mortal kombat 11, yet people can only focus on "but the combos are better!", this is 2023, our games should NOT be moving backwards in production and regarding features.
-Seems like yet another game that releases half finished and will end up being "Finished" 2-3 years from now when the game is already dead/dying.