Neva Review (h4k3)
Taking the risk to offend some GRIS fans, I had low expectations going into Neva because GRIS never resonated with me much. I did not dislike it, but the art style just wasn't for me. Thus I went into Neva without any expectations.
I can already say that I LOVED Neva, which surprised me, because the Anime elements are still here. However they are overshadowed by a more grounded, traditional and very nature focused design. By combining adding and alternating between multiple gameplay styles the game hardly ever gets old.
- Graphics are outstanding! Lush detailed forests, panned out endless meadows with parallaxing mountains, ruins with clean and obscure geometries, and lovingly designed characters, animals and enemies.
- The animation is almost on spot. The wolf and main character move fluidly, but so do the wildlife and enemies. The occasional animated shorts are wonderful.
- Controls are responsive, and not too complicated. Throughout the game more methods are introduced, keeping gameplay interesting. And you can always pet the wolf.
- Puzzles are on the easy side, if you've played platformers before. Some mildly challenging puzzles with timed jumps, but mostly it's just executing your dash and jumps perfectly.
- Combat is a new thing for this studio, and I think they found a perfect spot for this kind of game. What you learn from the platforming sections can be directly applied to the combat - and vice versa. This culminates in boss battles that are mildly challenging and never unfair.
- Story is a classic tale of going through seasons, and it's nothing we haven't seen before, but the way it is told is a unique approach and very enjoyable.
Neva won me over with its beautiful and colorful endangered natural world and the relationship of the woman and the antler wolf. The many moments where I'd just gaze at the screen for the stunning art, all while the two main actors show off their friendship lets you dive into this world and never want to leave.
EDIT: Thanks to the people who have taught me a lesson about GRIS not being Anime! I've changed that part in the review! :)