Paleo Pines Review (Royal_Ri0t)
I'll update my review when there's more updates.
This is a game that I was looking forward to, I had followed the development of the game since it was just a silly idea made into an actual game but I can't shake the feeling that the game we have right now is nothing more than an early access of something that could be great.
A game that advertises itself as a cozy farming sim with dinos, I guess you get that. The dinosaurs are cute, the farming is there and the aesthetic of the game is really pretty, the world feels nice to traverse and explore and you are always eager to find different dinosaur colors to add to your ranch, there's also some cool mechanics such as the farming soil changes depending on what you plant on it and dinos having special skills to help you with farming and exploring.
Given that, I can't think of any other positives so I'll have to state what I think is lacking in the game.
Reminding that this is a farming sim, I found it weird that there's no "winter" season, only a springy season, a summery season and an autumny season, maybe I'm biased for enjoying the winter the most, but I'd love to see what would be the work around of farming in the harsh cold season and see the world covered in snow, maybe even having to make special shelters for the dinos, a warmer bed or something.
Still in the season talk, I didn't notice too big of a change in terms of seeds that you can plant between spring and summer, and the wiki isn't helping me fact check this considering the first seeds you get are carrots, spring onions and potatoes, all stated to be from different seasons but I can still plant them all in summer so idk.
The village doesn't feel like a village, there's only like 4 npcs, sometimes an extra one, that you can buy stuff from and sell stuff to, but the construction npc can only buy from you construction materials like wood and stones, the vegetable npc sells the dino food and can only buy from you vegetables, the seed npc only buys and sells seeds, it feels redundant, it could all be sold in a shipping box like every other farming game out there. There's barely any seeds to buy in the beginning with but I hope that more get unlocked the more you play.
There's no crafting mechanics. If you want to get fences, you have to go to the designated npc to get them and a gate, and a feeding trough. It feels like a chore, something that could be done from your farm since that's where you get most of your wood and stone.
For a game that requires a lot of back and forth from farm to village to get money, has a decently sized world to explore, many dinos to tend to, farmlands to water, I feel like the game would benefit from a multiplayer co-op experience. Having your friend travelling with you on dinosaur backs, racing to the coolest wild dino out there, splitting daily tasks and such. I'll hold onto hope for a multiplayer update or mod, but until then, with the very lackluster cast of npcs, the game experience is somewhat lonesome.
Honorable mentions on features that feel like they're missing:
-move seasonal events
-house interior
-breeding (but exploring for the different color dinosaurs hasn't gotten tiring yet)
-more customization like different fence materials, etc... (but maybe I'm just too early in the game)
-fishing (i mean why not)
I don't want to touch too much on the pricing choice because it appears to be a very sensitive topic, but for what the game is at the current state, I still think the game should be treated as an early access instead of a full release.
I still think the game is fun, but it will be short lived. I'll hold on and wait for further updates. Until then, I can't recommend the game.