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cover-Pinball FX: Core Collection

Thursday, February 27, 2025 2:26:13 AM

Pinball FX: Core Collection Review (InVader)

Bought this for Rome and Pasha. I'd say Pasha makes it worth it
Pasha is fun, lots of mini-missions and mini-games with unique mechanics. It's not a hard table in terms of being able to keep the ball, but all the mini-games take a bit to master. I still can't do the mini-table vs the bandits and the one with the magnets consistently. It has good turban-beat for music and beautiful dot-matrix animations.
Rome is absolutely getting carried by the beautiful table art. It has the poorest mission design I've ever seen. All the garrison missions are pretty much the same. There's little to no unique mechanics on this table, except the coastal catapult vs the ship, which is purely for spectacle, there's nothing mechanically interesting about it. The table is all ramps, but the flow is alright. Doing combos is quite satisfying (reminds me of Speed Devils from Pinball Fantasies).
Secrets of the Deep is like a table split into an upper and a lower half. The flow is bad, but it has a neat little crane game and LOTS of videomodes. Not one of my favourites, but it's alright.
Biolab is just too weird for me, I don't vibe with it at all. You can mix and match parts of creature your make.