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cover-Pinball M

Friday, December 1, 2023 4:19:54 AM

Pinball M Review (JCat)

So far so awesome! Love every table. Big fan of The Thing movie (original and Carpenter's) but was never a fan of Chucky. I mean, who in the hell would bring home a doll that looks like that in the first place? Even if it weren't evil, it's a freaking nightmare to look at. The great news is, the Chucky table is really, excellent!!
Everything about M is a winning formula, including so many new features, like earning cabinet skins, achievements, and new modes of competition that are very exciting. I'm a huge fan of Pinball FX -- especially after that Autumn Sale, and now I'm happy to have M in the mix, even though it's a separate game. In the long run, it will all work out once we have the final settings so it works properly in a front end like Pinball Popper or Pinball X. With that, all of your tables will be unified so you won't feel the separation of games.
I'm also happy to report that the Cabinet mode DOES work nicely, but seeing this review is from day one, you do have to activate it each time you load up M or you won't get the backglass and DMD on their assigned screens. Thankfully, it's just a click of a button. I copied my settings.ini from FX to M, and the DMD worked on my third monitor right out the door, which really surprised me. I hope at some point, Zen updates the FX tables with the new features found in M.
I'm using a 3060ti, with 144hz monito rotated for my playfield and M runs just silky smooth with all my settings maxed out (Just like FX). It's a bloody good time here!