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cover-Post Void

Sunday, January 14, 2024 11:28:32 AM

Post Void Review (Fer1citu)

Usually when I go to bed with my mind plagued by unceasing anger for mankind, I either have weird prophetic dreams where my actions are guided by saints and sinners alike or ones in which I'm ordering street kebab at 4am while ass naked and listening to the most abrasive and incomprehensible audio media that a sane man couldn't in good faith call music. This game makes me experience these both at the same time and in digital format as well.
I'm not being funny but there is not a single way I could critique this using rational thought. Everything about it is upside down and downside up without trying to be transgressive or different and it's all on purpose.
Old-school fps games such as 1993's DOOM pride themselves with well thought of enemy designs and ways you can dispose of their hellish figures with an arsenal that could rival the average american school kid. Post Void doesn't have any of that. You don't get to think of your resources and the way the different enemies you encounter complement each other's attacks. You become an unstable being of visceral influx, raising hell upon whatever poor soul happens to be in your way. You're jittery, barely holding your dried up eyes open due to the retinal offense they're going through, not a single thought is going through your head because you wouldn't make use of them in any way. A single moment of hesitation or lining up a better shot could cost you your run and have the visual assault you went through be in vain.
Even so, not to say there isn't some merit to be given to your arsenal and build options. One run you're a hillbilly shotgun blasting your way through hordes of whippersnappers, whether or not they're on your lawn or not, and the next run your only source of damage could be a knife and have the chance to roleplay as the calmest englishman in Luton when he was asked what the time was.
Post Void isn't a well designed game, it's an experience, and not nearly enough games grant me access to schizoid rage inducing feelings such as this.
PS I am not a threat and this is an exercise in creative writing.
Hello I like to bleed games dry and get each and every achievement they have to offer. With this I have 100% completed games. May there be many more.