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cover-Postal 2

Wednesday, April 24, 2024 10:20:13 PM

Postal 2 Review (Inure)

While originally playing this only because of the memes, this game was actually pretty good. By no means would it be recommended for the game-play today, simply because of its age related issues, when comparing it to the play of other games of its time, it is pretty good. It feels like a time capsule of all the stuff one could find back then, especially with the atmosphere and how each of the NPCs says their lines. If there were a search for a nostalgia trip for old games of a bygone era, this would be a good purchase. Because it is old, there should be little said about the technical issues, although they are apparent. It crashes, its janky, and the animations are something else. However, once again, this was made by a small team from a long time ago, and that should not be a measure of its character. Now, for the story. Pretty certain this game was made to piss off as many people as possible, and it does succeed at that. Most groups are represented and thoroughly bashed in relation to their stereotypes. Perhaps again today this may not be as shocking due to how the internet is, but it is obvious that great care went into offending as many as possible. That sort of comedy is not for everyone, I would not recommend this to someone sensitive, but for those who like that stuff it does its job. A lot of the tasks were pretty "out there," too, but it does give the option to be as pacifistic or as violent as the player wants to be. In tone, it is nothing like its predecessor, and there is little consequence to any action one takes. Its a good game for what it is. Its not dark in tone, and its nothing like what the reader may see being pumped out by video game companies today. Play it for the memes, play it for the infamy, play it to be offended and laugh. I recommend it.