PowerWash Simulator: Back to the Future Special Pack Review (LunaRaine)
As a big fan of the Back to the Future movies, I was really surprised to see this DLC. And honestly, they did a decent enough job on it. Except for the very first vehicle all levels were memorable parts of the three movies (heavy emphasis on the first one tho, only 1 job each for the other two movies). While I’m not really big on the story told throughout PowerWash Sim, it did strike me as odd how they didn’t try to make the movies tie into this world and framed all the jobs as part of movie sets interacting with crew. Could’ve been a bit more. But again, overall, it was a fine enough DLC, and I had fun cleaning everything. Maybe pick this one up on a sale, especially if you’re not a big fan of the movies.
Again, 10 new achievements added. 5 fore cleaning all the maps, and 5 more for interacting with or cleaning certain things first/last. Very easy, but behind a paywall, so not great.