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cover-Project Hospital: Department of Infectious Diseases

Thursday, August 27, 2020 10:57:08 AM

Project Hospital: Department of Infectious Diseases Review (Blarla)

This is a truly terrible DLC. This DLC brings nothing new to the game except disappointment. I see a bunch of people who left positive feedback the second it was released saying to buy it just to support the devs. No, that is absurd behaviour. Unconditional love is actually a bad thing and prevents you from being to make rational, logical choices and results in bad decision making.
Project Hospital has always suffered from extremely poor game design and while there is much I do enjoy about this game, this DLC is a perfect example of everything bad about Oxymoron games.
Department of Infectious Diseases says it all. We were expecting a DLC that explored highly contagious illnesses spreading across your hospitals causing mass problems. Bringing a whole new aspect to the gameplay, a new challenge on keeping the hospital and those inside of it safe, being able to take action as you see fit as a player to protect your staff by controlling areas of your choosing to wear protective gear and the like. Sounds like a really cool DLC.
* CONTAGIONS SPREADING - Or NOT as the case seems to be!
A mod, basically. Not a single bit of new gameplay. The department is no different from any of the others, just new illnesses listed. After much testing I found you can't spread contagions easily and they ONLY spread in a single room to only staff that are nearby. Once it has spread, the game instantly tells you and automatically makes all staff in the entire hospital wear masks and gloves. Taking all control of action away from the player and preventing it to actually spread anywhere and cause any real issues. Infected staff just walk slowly for two days. You'll get 3 staff infected at most.
I placed highly contagious patients on other departments, never spread, made them take unnecessary tests so they walked all over the hospital, didn't spread. Sample handling isn't a risk, as you can't even direct techs to protect themselves. Left contagious patients for days in Trauma, nobody was infected. It only spreads if a contagious patient is placed on the regular ward of the Infectious Diseases department.
Isolation Rooms: We get some new items in this DLC, none of which do anything. They are all decorative, INCLUDING the wall items for the Isolation Wards. The Isolation Wards don't actually need to be isolated, you don't have to build walls. But it is okay, because the contagions don't spread anyway.
Isolation walls and doors: These wall items are so bad. They don't span the full height of the room and the airlock door never closes. Because they are items, they also take up a lot of floor space preventing items going near the walls inside the room.
Corner Cabinet: Great idea, really like it. However, the cabinet still functions like a normal cabinet, meaning any items you place to the left or right of it, (I forget which side), is blocked and unusable. They literally took the original cabinet, changed the way it looked but didn't code it to be used as a corner cabinet. All they needed to do was use the plant coding, so you can place cabinets left and right of it and still be able to use the items placed on those cabinets.
It seems apparent to me that they simply couldn't be bothered to code ANYTHING new for the DLC. It is no better or worse than mods you can download from the workshop. This is a cheap DLC and STILL not worth a penny. It is shockingly bad.
This is an honest and rational review that isn't covered in fanboy/girl love. I enjoy Project Hospital, I've played hundreds of hours of it, but this DLC is bin fodder.
My trauma department came to a grinding halt when I made it a biohazard area. The rooms stopped functioning. Proof that this DLC will not function or have an affect on other departments in the hospital.