Pursuit Force Review (MysticSynthWave)
I was expecting a nice throwaway where you could just jump in and out sometimes, however this is not the case, here are some of the things I found wrong with this game.
Controller does not work in the menus.
There is no voice acting.
The scenarios are presented as text, which isn't a bad thing, but some of the dialogue feels very off.
Once you complete a scenario your thrown into the next one.
The main premise is go here and hit x vehicle a few times and you win, while there is a timer counting down.
I drove on a stretch of road 3 times and every-time I went around a certain corner I failed the mission.
I drove down a tunnel which looked like I was about to go under water, but going through it, it disappeared.
Controls for controller (Xbox one) are move with left anlog and reverse with left analog stick, did not get far enough to find if any more worked with controller.
Lack of textures.
Lack of details i.e. ambient street lighting.
Hardly any traffic, little to no pedestrians.
Seems to only consist of time challenges.
controls feel very clunky.
It has a cool concept, nice details with the radio chatter, the siren and the vehicle lights all feel right.
I can not recommend this game, and prob the fastest I have refunded, if all of the above are addressed then I would try again.
For now I recommend GTA with the LCPDFR mod instead.