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cover-Saints Row: The Third - Gangstas in Space

Tuesday, July 16, 2024 6:26:09 AM

Saints Row: The Third - Gangstas in Space Review (UNLI RICE PLEASE)

While yes, this is a pretty good dlc, I'd have to say i was only a little disappointed we weren't going back to mars like the Final Mission in the game with Killbane but however the ending for this DLC was kind of unsatisfactory, sure, Andy the Pr!ck died at the hands of Jenny but, in my opinion, the ending would have been much better if instead she landed the plane and proceeded to beat him up like a heavy attack in the game or maybe even let both us and Jenny to beat him up in gameplay, what we did get was very Saints Row 3 like and I'm not too surprised, the primer being taking more time to make but cool and the latter being cheaper. Overall the downside is just not going back to Mars continuing the movie after the main story and (this is still my opinion) a lackluster abrupt ending