Seed of Life Review (Sandcrawler)
^^I purchased this game, with my very own monies^^
Seed of Life is an action adventure puzzle game. I found that the story and worldbuilding drew me right in. An alien world that has been desolated and is falling apart. A Protagonist that is one of only two people that we know of.
The voice of Cora was very intriguing. To start with her voice is very emotionless, worn down ready to give up. I get the feeling that we don’t know how long she has been alone, or how long the planet has been falling apart. As the game progresses along you can hear more emotion come into her voice, as she regains hope, and starts to believe that the planet can be saved. Point being I believe that this was an artistic choice by the game developers to have her acted in this way.
The puzzles in the game had some challenge to them, but most of them could be solved quickly. This ramped up well as I got stuck on two puzzles later in the game. One was a platformer puzzle over lava, and the other was a bunch of the shadow enemies patrolling. This game does not hold your hand as far as where to go or what to do, you’ll have to figure it out, and carve your own path. This can be frustrating when you know you need to use a new capsule ability, but don’t know how to use it.
I hated the checkpoint system at first. I felt totally tethered to them, and all exploration was closed off. As you unlock the abilities you gain more and more range. By the time you get to the final zone you won’t even notice the checkpoints anymore.
The length of the game felt short for $20, I completed the story with 3.4 hours of playtime. I am missing 3 achievements, and those could probably be finished in another hour. The ending also leaves more questions, and a feeling that the game hasn’t really ended.
I would give it a rating of 3/5 I think the worldbuilding, style, and voice acting is worth checking out. Loss of points for a low hours to price ratio, puzzle challenge, and lackluster ending. If you enjoy story driven puzzle games it is worth checking out.
I also have a Let’s Play on my youtube channel, all episodes are out now.