Sid Meier's Civilization VI: Vietnam & Kublai Khan Pack Review (Hat8)
This is a really great addition to the game. It adds the Monopolies & Corporations game-mode to the game, new buildings that encourage different playstyles and a couple new civs. This civs it adds to the game are strange, but not terrible.
Industries and Corporations is a very simple addition to the game, but it adds a lot. After improving two of the same luxury resource one gets the decision to upgrade one of those tiles into an industry that gives a large % bonus to a specific city resource and better yields on the tile. The luxury specific upgrade is limited to one city per civ for every luxury and the counter includes luxuries from city states. Later in the game with three of a luxury resources one can then form corporations with great merchants. Corporations can then be used to run city projects that make Products that are stored in commerce hub district buildings. These Products act like Great Works generating tourism and other bonuses. In the late game you get the ability to form a monopoly by controlling most of a luxury, but this is just a % modifier to your total gold. Pretty much all of this is great stuff that adds depth to the game. It adds more strategic thinking on where one plants cities and how-to spread-out city luxury bonuses. Its also just nice to see the game actually representing mass media and consumerism’s cultural significance. No reason not to toggle this on for all games as a default.
The new buildings are also a good addition to the game. Most civs are incentivized to chop down forests and harvest bonus resources to quickly get out districts and units for housing and better yields. However, this neighborhood like district gives a way to get housing and yields like faith and culture from unimproved tiles that have not been removed. This building also works well with volcanos and mountains that are often difficult to get value out of.
Vietnam is a strange civ that can only put down its districts on forests, jungles and marshes. Their unique encampment costs half as much production and gives culture, but no great general points. What makes them interesting however is that they can start planting forests in the medieval era which means they can quickly become a very productive civilization early on. This means they are not punished as harshly for chopping their forests. Issue is that they need forests early on to benefit from their combat bonus on forest/jungles and actually build their districts in the first place.
Kublai is two different civs for China and Mongolia. He gives a free economic policy and Eurekas and inspirations from completing trade routes to other civs cities. Unfortunately, he’s just a mediocre version of both civs. Genghis without his amazing cavalry bonuses and China with an ability that gives significantly less Eureka’s and inspirations. Trade routes take 20-30 turns to actually make trading posts.