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cover-Silent Hope

Tuesday, October 3, 2023 11:55:19 PM

Silent Hope Review (dragon_knight)

So, I played the demo and brought the full game.
I love the concept of the game, dungeon delving into rogue dungeons. Picking up items and using those items to craft better equipment to delve again. Pushing yourself to see how far you can go. So far, i have only found two downside's and they are to do with the controls.
Having played lots of games on the PC, I am so used to moving with WASD and using my mouse to attack. In this though you cant do that. Although there are keyboard and mouse controls, you wither exclusively use the keyboard or you use the mouse to move and attack and the keyboard to collect items and use skills.
There is no where in the game settings to change this. Some of the keybindings are locked.
Secondly is the attack, you click and hold the mouse button on a mob to attack, but your character runs towards the mob before attacking and you cant stop it. It would be nice to have a button that can be pressed to stand still and fire. and if you miss the mob, you character runs to where you clicked on the map.
I cant see that using a controller for this would help the situation but I will have to try this