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Monday, December 27, 2021 4:24:18 AM

Smite Review (Ol' Man Gus)

Try huffing a bucket or two of paint, maybe drive some nails into a wooden board with your forehead, then finish it up with a shot or two of straight ethanol then maybe you will get within a solid 20-30 iq points of the average player in this game. You will run into some 15 loss streaks while commenting on the newest released champion whose abilities dont even work. Could not possible recommend against this game any more if my life depended on it. You will hate yourself and every single person you ever run into on this game. Every session will leave you with pent up rage you cannot begin to unravel, Every new season they break the entire game in a new attempt to fix the previous break they made. The game revolves around like 10 champions. All who require hitting maybe 2 buttons then you win. Anything requiring even the most basic of skill or thought is nerfed and made useless. If a toddler cannot get a penta, then its wrong by the devs standards. If you enjoy playing the same person without fail, game after game. All while hitting maybe three buttons total. Then have at it. No brain needed. No higher thought process. See red name? Me hit 4. Me get kill. Me still lose game cause other team had more people to hit 4. But me hit 4 good. Am best player.