Tales of Graces F Remastered Review (Kruga)
Tales of Graces is one of the best games in the entire series.
And so far, this Remaster is about everything it needs to be. Runs well, looks well, very nice quality of life changes.
I would call this game, together with Vesperia, the high-point of the series. It was my first Tales game over ten years ago and I love it even more now.
Besides the obvious things people like about it, it also comes with a ton of charm and things you don't see much in modern entries.
Simply talking to random NPCs yields funny dialogue, sassy tutorial text(Like the Lady yapping about her life with the game interrupting her to tell you how to fast-forward dialogue), or a item/crafting system that's not too reliant on weird RNG and is actually fun to use.
The whole Item Mixer and Dualizing (which is pretty much just crafting) are wonderfully implemented into this game and give you a long-term goal to work on and try to grow stronger with.
It feels like I'm actually figuring stuff out again and am constantly rewarded for doing so.
I cannot stress enough how good some of these changes are. Replaying Vesperia (it's varying performance on PC aside), always felt like a bit of a hassle despite being one my favorite games ever, because there is so much missable stuff. Some of it very obscure even.
Now Graces has a time-limited quest marker and it really makes me wish we had waited on Vesperia Remaster longer for it to get the same treatment. But damn I'm glad Graces got it.
Only thing I'm really missing are playstation button prompts for when using a dualshock/dualsense controller. But that's not really that important.
EDIT: Added a bunch after i had a nap lol