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cover-Tales of the Neon Sea

Thursday, October 13, 2022 6:48:37 PM

Tales of the Neon Sea Review (Artoboi)

Tales of the Neon Sea is a game about a cat's life in futuristic cyberpunk city. There is also a really cool detective puzzle game in there, but that is more of a side story. Maybe. Anyway, the puzzles are enjoyable, the art is amazing, sound design pulls you in, music oozes mood, you can explore the filthiest corners of the city etc. What's not to like?
There is also an admirable effort put into the lore. Not all of it makes sense and the main story is kind of cheesy, but all of it is entertaining as hell. Some sections contain some running back and forth and in some sections you can die. However, even after dying the game lets you resume instantly and the game moves quickly from section to section which makes frustration minimal.
Even with its faults, I had a great time with Tales of the Neon Sea from the beginning until the end. Worth the full price. 5/5