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cover-The Cub

Saturday, March 2, 2024 10:42:48 PM

The Cub Review (tasselfoot)

Quick rating: 6.5
Longer review:
The Cub continues the world building from Golf Club Nostalgia, a game I enjoyed a lot (apart from the Iron Will achievement). The Cub is also a LIMBO-like... a genre I greatly enjoy. As such, I was very hyped for this game. And, it's not bad. But far from great.
The Good: Art is really nice, the radio station is great, the story is enjoyable. Gameplay is ok.
The Not As Good: This game has tags of Puzzle, Precision Platformer, and Puzzle Platformer... and I'd say it's none of these. It is a platformer. But it has 0 puzzles in it whatsoever. And it's not what I'd consider a precision platformer... although some sections are a little challenging, mostly because the game can play a bit jank, not because it's really designed to be precision.
The game is short. I got all achievements + all in-game items for 100% in under 3 hours. And that includes nearly an hour spent on doing Chapter 1 deathless... for those not achievement hunting, you may finish this game under 2 hours (or just a little over).
At times, the foreground art can get in the way of visibility. And ledge grabbing is fairly inconsistent on whether it'll work or not.
All in all, the game is not bad. I give it a recommendation, but not a glowing one. If you like run-right chase sequences with a nice world and interesting story/music... this will be a pleasant time for you. A bit like the game Little Orpheus. If that doesn't sound like your type of game... then I'd avoid or pick up on a steep sale.