The Hong Kong Massacre Review (superpharaoh)
If Hotline Miami is a little too fast for you, this game is perfect for you.
This game is a hoot and a holler. Absolute banger. Simplicity at its finest. I love flash games and this feels like a flash game gone a bit more professional, and people sleep on how uniquely cool it is, even if it has plenty of flaws.
There's three tasks for every level, No slomo, Perfect aim, and Speedrun; and I always do them in that order.
They all transform every level into a new game to me.
The first time through I just beat the level and get a feel for it.
Second time, there's no slomo, I have to pay attention more, feels much faster even if the gameplay isn't super fast.
Third time, I can't waste any bullets, so I count how many enemies I killed by how many bullets I use, and it's like a high score arcade game, and also kind of like an assassin/stealth game like metal gear/hitman, shitty AI and all.
Fourth time, you're trying to beat the clock no matter what, there's no more restrictions but the clock and you get to pave your own speedrun path.
But also, you can get 3 stars on your first run if you want. You can play it however you want, and I think subtle gameplay and visual stuff feels just right to me. It's nothing crazy impressive, but it doesn't really have to be. This is such a classic gameplay format done right. Beat the game on all difficulty levels, get all the stars. It's dope to me; but, there's plenty of things you might not like. Nothing really gets in the way and ruins the experience, but there's some annoying levels/enemy placement, and it can feel a little cheap at times. But for $20, I absolutely think it was worth it. Also, in case you weren't sold, the soundtrack is fucking amazing.