The Jackbox Party Pack 10 Review (Seph)
Jackbox 10 is the newest one and sadly… it isn’t as good as the older packs. Multiple games seemed half-made during release, and while many got updated… not all issues were solved. As a pack, it isn’t extremely bad… but it’s not really good either.
The worst game is definitely FIXYTEXT. When we saw the trailer for this game, we were excited, but sadly, this game isn’t really good. It’s basically a shared Word document where everyone’s typing chaotically at the same time, and then they choose the craziest words made. The idea isn’t bad, but there’s nothing more to it. If they added something more than just the typing, it would have so much potential. But it’s simply bland, and after a few playthroughs, it’s pretty boring honestly. And it also was extremely bugged. Many people got their full answers deleted, and nothing they wrote was submitted for some reason. This game… if we can call it a game, is just a failure, sadly. Yes, you can have some fun with it, but it gets old quickly, and the bugs make it horrible. (2,5/10)
The other weak game that has issues is TEE K.O. 2. I am sad to say this because the original Tee K.O. is a great game, but this one isn’t really… that good. While it adds some new things (new kinds of shirts, fonts of the texts, etc.) that are fine, it also introduces new mechanics that make it worse than the original. And the final round that is literally just really fast clicking… that change wasn’t a good idea. Not only that, but this game is also bugged for some reason. The timers and transitions don’t work properly. After the time runs out for the drawing part, we had to wait for around 4 minutes once and then usually about 1-2 minutes the other times we played this. I have no idea whether it was loading or what was going on, but even though they kinda repaired this, the waiting is still there, and it’s really annoying. Still… it’s Tee K.O., so it’s fine even with the issues. (5/10)
Next one is the trivia game TIMEJINX. It isn’t bad; I like the idea of trivia about history, time, and all about it. The minigames in it are really creative, and it’s overall very innovative and a good concept. One issue I have with it is that it’s the easiest Jackbox trivia game ever to cheat in. Finding the year of some historic moment on the internet in 20 seconds is rather easy. Then there’s this other thing. The name of this game is TIMEJINX. And if two or more players guess the same year, it tells them "JINX." But it doesn’t do anything else. I mean the "JINX" moment is literally in the name of the game… but it has no effect on the gameplay? Why was it implemented in the first place then? This detail just doesn’t make any sense to me and is really weird.
Overall, this game is pretty fine and fun, though. It has a fast pace, runs smoothly. (7/10)
HYPNOTORIOUS is the second-best game in this pack, and it’s REALLY GOOD. It’s harder to understand. During the first playthrough, expect everyone to be kinda confused. But once you find out what to do, it’s fun. It’s a game I replay a lot with my friends in this pack. One thing that annoys me is that for some reason, there isn’t a final leaderboard – you just see the winner and not the other rankings. Also, while the idea is really creative, I think they could have done a bit more with it. It’s very good, but there’s something missing to be GREAT. (8/10)
But a game that is not only GREAT but almost PERFECT is the game that single carries this pack – DODO RE MI. It is a very experimental music game, basically the first game of this kind that Jackbox has ever made. But it was so worth it. The game slays extremely and is very fun to play. It was great on release already, but they added more songs and instruments in it later, which adds additional content that makes it even better. Where the other games are missing something and seem half-baked, this one is a well-made masterpiece. I would give it an 11/10 if I could honestly. It’s great and a well-deserved (10/10)
The average of game scores is 6,5.
The quality went down for sure. Where other packs have weaker games, this one has trashy games. The average games of this pack also have more weaknesses than the average games in other packs. And while Timejinx and Hypnotorious are good, they‘re missing something in them. The only game everyone is fully satisfied with is Dodo Re Mi, and honestly, the pack is only worth buying because of this game. If it had another mediocre game instead of Dodo Re Mi, I wouldn’t buy it and wouldn’t recommend it.
Also, this pack is more expensive than the other ones so… this price for worse quality makes it even worse. I think it is worth trying out still, but honestly… for full price don’t buy it. Don’t. Wait for a sale, and then it can be worth it.