The Lord of the Rings: Gollum Review (Moxì_Sensei)
voice acting is awful
ive phased through the floor walls and ceilings many times
the game is full of stealth and climb it sections almost 80% of it and they r the clunkiest mechanics its like driving a car with square wheels
story makes no sense and doesnt flow from one chapter to the next smoothly
random side characters not worth the attention or time to get attached
almost no indication on whats grabable or climable in game
useless companion system
bugg in chapter 9 with the mirror puzzle (currently keeps me from completing the game)
dont waste ur money or at least wait till a sale not worth full prices unles youre buying purely cuz its LotR
this game isnt done and shoud have been delayed a 4th time its has so many kinks it needs worked out and more focus on the most important movements in the game the ones youll be doin the most?...climbing and stealth mechanics. i honestly stopped caring about the story of the game by chapter 3 just about everything about this game is weak and needs more love.