The Room Review (NoGenres)
A brilliant puzzler in a brilliant franchise
Not to be confused with the meme-worthy acclaimed movie with the same title, The Room begins with you finding an intricately-designed safe that was apparently left behind by a missing colleague. Guess there's nothing else to do but to open it then. And find what's inside it. Somehow.
The Room's gameplay consists of simple point-and-click puzzles. In each level, you're presented with a huge contraption. Here, you can rotate and zoom in/out the object. Clicking the right parts will usually unlock new, hidden compartments that add more puzzle elements. Most of the time, this will require you picking up items in your inventory and using them correctly.
Puzzle variety in each level are so excellent that I never once felt like the game has exhausted all of its tricks. Certain inventory items also need to be inspected carefully to fully 'unlock' it. I'd list a few examples but that would defeat the purpose of the game.
Difficulty here is fair and balanced. It doesn't felt too easy to the point where you're unsatisfied by the puzzles. It also doesn't felt too difficult and filled with frustrating moon logic puzzles. The Room managed to tiptoe the line between the simple and the illogical, providing a challenging, but doable mind games that gives you feelings of euphoria every time you solve one. Of course, if you do struggle with some, the game will provides useful hints on how to progress.
There is a story in here though. By opening certain chambers, you'll find hidden documents, detailing about your missing acquaintance; they appeared to be an intelligent scientist that stumbled upon a new, otherworldly element that could change the whole world. At the same time, they also mentioned that they're possibly being watched and pursued by a shadowy organization.
Personally, the lore is a good mixture of a captivating mystery without feeling too corny and ridiculous. It offers me enough storyline breadcrumbs while simultaneously inviting me to delve more into it with the sequels. Seeing as this is the first entry in the franchise, it did a remarkable job in this department.
It would be a sin to not mention about the lovely design mechanisms of the contraptions. Every single time you completed something, the device would sprang to life and you could see in real time on how it responds so delicately and beautifully. You ever see a Rube-Goldberg machine? And that feel-good emotion when it worked successfully? Same case here.
Length, Replayability and Achievements
Length: 4 hours in total for me. Obviously, this varies from person to person. I don't play puzzler games that often, but it's safe to assume that The Room can be completed under 5 hours, max.
Replayability: Sadly, none. The game's meant to be experienced only once. However, you can invite a friend or a loved one to play for themselves, guiding them along the way.
Achievements: 5 easy story-related achievements. You finish the game, you get them all.
Fireproof Games' The Room is a phenomenal product. The developers make sure that every aspect of this game is polished to a T, and it showed. I look forward to continuing this journey with the sequels (which, based on the overall reviews, seem to be just as amazing). Seriously, I cannot find a single major flaw in this game. And it's cheap as hell. Highly recommended.