The Room Three Review (Kosmozuikis)
The Rooms With Tables
Another one of these games huh? Well this time it's quire different and in my opinion this is the worst game in the series.
This time you get multiple rooms with multiple tables. The idea is nice but walking back and forth is annoying. The Room game should be simple, just puzzles. I don't like wasting time on roaming through different rooms.
Puzzles on the other hand are very good. Like always not too easy and not too hard but with one exception and that is – the endings. Why? Just why they exist? The multiple endings puzzles are way too complicated and on top of that you don't get hints. I had to look up the walkthrough for those. It's just bad design and has no place in these game. Please no.
Also some puzzles are kinda similar which at times makes the game a bit boring.
You also need to play more with your eyepiece which is a nice change and I loved that.
Graphically it's pretty much the same as previous titles. Very well done surroundings and objects on tables look stunning and are full of details. Since there are more objects in general the game looks more diverse than ever before.
Game runs perfectly and ultrawide is supported out of the box without any issues. Played on 5800x, rtx3080, 32gb @3440x1440.
Sound hasn't changed. Same music and cool sound effects.
If you like The Room game this is worth playing but keep in mind that the multiple endings are a pain.
Good puzzles
Great variety of tables and locations
Endings...just no
Too much walking back and forth
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