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cover-The Witcher

Tuesday, March 1, 2022 5:38:07 AM

The Witcher Review (Bird)

It's a weird one. I think it gets better as it goes on, especially the voice acting. But there are bizarre desicions throughout the whole thing that kinda hold it back, such as:
Collectable sex cards, effectively making woman into weird objects, I don't know how to feel about this at all. It's very poor taste, self aware, and yet doesn't do any commentary. So it's self aware womanizing. Cool
Combat system is fun but aged.
Act IV decides it wants to do nothing with the main plot other than develop some characters. The character stuff is good, but the pacing gets ground to a halt.
Voice acting is terrible until the 3rd act where actors find their stride, or you stop noticing how terrible it is. Could be either now that I think about it...
Let me loot in combat, seriously, sometimes I don't want to fight 20 easily disposable drowners. I want to grab the damn chest, and leave.
But on the more positive side you can enjoy:
Morally ambiguous decisions. They're all interesting and impactful, and usually makes you feel like shit no matter what.
Common sense decisions: There are obvious decisions that don't ask you to be good or evil, more idiot or not a retard. These decisions are not necessary but make you feel good later in the story when not being a retard pays off!
The characters! Almost all main quest givers have twists and turns and are used as often as the story can. The guard captain who starts off throwaway guard dude becomes maybe my favorite character.
Grounded focused plot, all characters, all the time, only getting super epic for 10 minutes at the end, and even then there's a really cool subtle hinting about the nature of the true villain. The game doesn't feel the need to tell you the horrible truth about the main villain. If you paid attention, then the truth is obvious. Which is super cool. It shows the guys respect their audience. Which makes me look forward to playing the Witcher 2.