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cover-TheHunter: Call of the Wild - Weapon Pack 1

Tuesday, April 17, 2018 7:10:32 PM

TheHunter: Call of the Wild - Weapon Pack 1 Review (Muertington)

First of all only three weapons is an underwhelming amount.
A bit divided on the feelings regarding this weapon pack.
I guess this DLC offers stuff for all kinds of people: bows for nerds who watched Conan the Barbarian way too much, crossbows for weirdos obsessed with strange weaponry and a rabbit popgun for sophisticated and civilized players.
The crossbow is quite decent and packs a solid punch at short distances as expected but what puts me down is how it fills the screen so much when carrying it on your hands. Its a crossbow and its meant to be large, no complain, but as mentioned, is quite large compared to the elongated shape of rifles im more used to.
The recurve bow is very unintuitive, shoots in all directions and with the added wind factor its a rather non fun challenge to use it. No wonder its made in China.
The rabbit popgun... this is the good stuff this DLC puts on the table. Solid, sleek, low to non existant recoil (with the proper perks) incredibly funny sound effect, very precise on both long and short range, good magazine size... what else can be said?
This popgun and a score based rabbit shooting gallery mode would make this game greater.