Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Review (Sin)
TL;DR I would only recommend this for die-hard Borderlands fans.
The pre-endgame is exceedingly easy despite setting the difficulty to "Intense". I never struggled once up until the end game boss. The most difficult parts of earlier games were the burst damage some enemies did that was hard to overcome as a solo. While I am glad they scaled that back in this game, with no other challenge provided the core loop is reduced to holding down M1 until the enemy dies. To top it off, every quest was just "go here press E, go here shoot this, go here press E". It was a bit disappointing.
Now admittedly this wouldn't be so egregious if there was a gripping story or moment-to-moment writing like Borderlands 2 had, but personally this game fell very flat in that regard. I listened to every dialogue line and did every side quest expecting at least some moments with the same charm as the previous games, but I didn't find any. Perhaps I have simply become jaded, but there were no hard-hitting lines nor engaging plot lines. I lightly chuckled twice the entire game. I never cringed or wondered what the writers were smoking as I did with BL3, but the Wonderlands plot was simply bland.
This isn't to say the entire game is horrible. I like much of the balance changes they made, the art style is charming, and the class system is interesting. The legendary drop rate is lowered in this game compared to BL3, which was desperately needed as they felt a dime-a-dozen in that game. This is balanced out by having your loot luck increase as you progress in the game which I felt fit very well. The new gun types, the few that aren't recycled from BL3 that is, are fun to play with and a welcome addition. And I appreciate the take on classes with a respeccable second class, although I think I still prefer the per-character system from the mainline games.
Should also be mentioned the end game is potentially the best in a Borderlands game so far: a set of repeatable trial chambers which tie closely into the "Chaos Level" system that increases enemy toughness and unlocks better tiers of gear. I have not completed all the Chaos Levels and won't pretend to have beaten each end game in all BL games, but I would like to say that this feels the most replayable and fair.
Overall a game with fun mechanics that falls entirely flat in the story department.