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cover-Titanfall 2

Friday, May 13, 2022 12:50:45 PM

Titanfall 2 Review (Nikpire)

Brilliant Shooter Game

-Graphics: 9/10
The graphics are really good, even for 2022.
But the quality of the textures is not so great!
It really needs a 4K texture package.

-Atmosphere: 8/10
The world of robots, in a green environment.
A gentle combination of Halo and Crysis!
The atmosphere is shallow, not too deep.
"World of Titans" in fact.
-Gunplay/Melee Combat: 10/10
Damn! the gunplay is the main strength of Titanfall 2. A great pattern for other fps games...
Control your titan, shooting at everything like a big villain...
Even more enjoyable than shooting bullets in real life!

-Customizations : 7/10
The customization part is not too bad, you can change your character,titans,weapons skin but it is not like Battlefield or CoD... you can also customize your weapon loadout.
But many things are lacking and this is a big weakness!
Since I could not play the multiplayer part, I do not have enough information about other parts.

-Story: (8/10)x1.5
Jack Cooper is the Pilot protagonist and the playable character, beginning his military career as a Rifleman in the Frontier Militia.
He is the pilot of his best friend named BT-7274, indeed he is a titan but his emotions are like a human. you will have a great adventure with BT-7274.
In fact, I can not communicate with robots,that is, I can not accept robots as humans.
But at least it has a deeper story than other fps games like DOOM or Serious Sam!
-Gameplay: 11/10
Excellent gameplay mechanics, you can run anywhere, there is no limit!
Leave the walls behind and land directly on your enemies!
You will become a speed runner,everything is well coordinated,I have never seen an example like this game.
"Unparalleled" gameplay.

-Artificial Intelligence: 8/10
I didn't see any weakness in my experience, robots don't act as stupid as movies ...
It's better than other fps games so I have no reason to give a low score!
But for me as a hardcore player, it is not perfect...

-Audio: 9/10
Great voice acting, gunfire sounds are mehh I dunno how to explain!
Unfortunately robots talk like idiots just like in the movies...
-PC Requirements: 10/10
The game runs smoothly on my system, well optimized.
The game uses source engine from valve so don't worry about system requirements!
But try to upgrade your system because the more frame rates, the more fun you will have!

-Grind: 7/10
Nothing special,you will finish the game in a week then you going to play multiplayer or share your screenshots...
This is a game with a specific storyline, not an RPG game.
-Game Time: 8/10
Fairly short single player campaign but it has great quality content.
But if multiplayer mode works, you can play for hundreds of hours!
-Price: 10/10
You will not regret it, so add it to your cart right now!
But buy it for single player because multiplayer is dead/servers are down.
-Bugs: 10/10
Played it about 13 hours, didn't see any bugs!
-Soundtracks: 8/10
Halo and Star Wars had children! I mean it feels epic.
Ear-catching soundtracks.
But it can not be in your daily playlist!
-Multiplayer Mode: -/-
One of the best multiplayer games of all time, but the servers are down!
Gamers miss this game so much...
Poor support by Respawn and EA... they threw it in the corner.
But hey, I have a good news! you can play multiplayer with Northstar Client.


I definitely recommend buying this game.
Total Score: 9.1★
Thank you for reading my review!:)