Transformice Review (SannoSama)
I love this game~
It's one of those "An hour to learn/A lifetime to master" kind of things.
The premace? You and your mouse brothers and sisters (well, mainly just YOU!) need to get the cheese and get to the hole without plummeting to an undesirable death.
Against you are an assortment of traps, pitfalls, the other mice, and your own timing.
At first, it's a simple platformer, but the moves can get pretty advanced. You can pull some really amazing stuns and leaps with proper timing and technique!
Additionally, during the platform maps, one mouse is the "Shaman" mouse, who has powers to build and place all kinds of nifty tools, platforms, spells, balloons~ all kinds of things to help all the mice get successfully to the cheese and back to the hole. You level up your shaman too, learning new spells and tricks to get everyone from A-B.
It's free, it's fun, and there's always room to grow in your technique and Shaman Tree with all kinds of avatar cutsomization (costs Cheese to upgrade)
Play eet~