Tribe: Primitive Builder Review (Ezir)
After many hours I have finally finished and I must say this is a very fun, simple and enjoyable game. Old reviews hardly do the game justice, as there have been many QoL changes since them, it is definitely not as tedious and grindy as people claim it to be, but that might have been due to inclusion of changes. Could it have been better? Definitely. Is it worth the money? I would say yes.
To go into more detail:
- Exploration - The game has nice graphics, it's fun exploring the island as the four biomes are different from each other and present different challenges. HOWEVER, while the first biome has five hidden points of interest which add benefits for player, the other three biomes lack them.
- Story - It is simple, it gives player reason and purpose to be, it's not some masterpiece with twists and turns, but it is consistent. If something, I think devs could have added more lore to the game, because with different tribes, there could have been more to uncover / collect.
- Building - I like it, there are some recipes for various facilities, you need to link things like woodcutter to storage, and upon discovering different tribes, link marketplaces. I do like the management aspect of it however I do wish it worked slightly different, like: Village A produces XYZ, Village B produces ZYX and they can trade. It was underwhelming to realize that marketplaces have little to do with trade, but were instead something like caravan->supply depot function.
- Survival - The game features thirst, sleep, hunger and a health bar, and this is where the survival aspect begins and ends. It's too easy to fill all three, and the only damage I have sustained was from falling from higher place and even then it took away just 10% of my health so dying is pretty much impossible.
What was lacking and what the devs could improve:
- Up to 4 players co-op mode in which each player develops own tribe.
- Sandbox mode which could be fun if people modded the game
- Harder mode, since it could benefit if the devs added hostile animals or straggler non-tribe faction.
- More variety
- The ending could have been more dramatic. Not to spoil the storyline but there was a reason for player motivation, it did lack explosions in the background.