Twilight Path Review (climber59)
I bought FORM and Twilight Path in a bundle together. I enjoyed the 43 minutes it took me to beat FORM. I think Twilight Path is a lesser game in several ways.
I found all the story parts of the game pretty boring. It was just me standing there doing nothing until the next teleport point became available.
In FORM, you just aim and hold the trigger to pull distant objects towards you. In Twilight Path, you do the same, but first you have to spend 5 seconds holding and releasing both triggers in an annoying minigame. I hated it everytime.
I found these puzzles to be a bit less intuitive. In the beginning you are given the power to basically create a blue lense that can show hidden information when you look through it. A similar mechanic exists in FORM, but you are given the lense everytime you need it. In Twilight Path, I think I spent at least 2 minutes on every puzzle that required it just doing things randomly trying to figure out what I was missing, until I remembered that I had the lense. There was another puzzle that gave me trouble. At some point you open a chest and basically have to place some dragon balls in the correct slots. Apparently I did not open the chest far enough. I was able to interact with everything in it, but could not figure out anything about how to solve the puzzle. After 5 minutes I opened the chest another 10 degrees until it locked and some constellations appeared to give the answers.