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cover-Universe For Sale

Monday, January 8, 2024 12:58:41 AM

Universe For Sale Review (LateToGaming)

I enjoyed Universe for Sale. The game play is fairly typical of visual novels with point-and-click elements. That is the only thing about the game that is typical, though. First, I really like the art style and overall visual design. There are some beautiful scenes throughout the game, and the design of the main character is quite unique. I also really enjoyed the story. I always like a good sci-fi story, and enjoyed the way this one integrated otherworldly and occult elements.
My only complaint with the game is the inclusion of multiple sequences of the universe creation mini game. I didn't mind this as a story-telling element, but felt that the longer sequences were there just as filler to make the game long and to add more "game play" for players who aren't satisfied with more standard visual novels.
I did encounter one bug, but was able to easily get around it be reloading a save. I reported this to the developer, and was surprised when the game's designer and developer responded personally.