Ved Review (bbray)
Played it long enough to know that for me, this game has long conversations that just says things just to say things, and most things they say make no since. It's a lot of fluff that you can't get into nor care, it's as if they put it in to prolong the game. If you choose what you would like to say, like standing up for yourself and being a man with a set, the game will take things away from you that you have already earned. I don't mind games like this don't get me wrong. But it has way to many useless things it has you do, and say, only to punish you at the end. I wanted to play the game, not read a book that throws word salad at you. The actually game play boils down to you moving right and left clicking the only icon that will be the only one to keep you alive if your not 5 years old or younger you will pick the right power to use to win. So even the battles can be considered nothing but another way of saying your just going through the motions until the next word salad chapter. It's just not for me, so if word salad, and simple game play is for you buy away.