War Thunder Review (Theshy)
As much as it hurts to say, this game is rapidly going downhill for all the wrong reasons. I have played passionately for over 8 years, and the only thing I get in return is a harder grind due to ever changing "economy" updates, the inability to play what I want without opening up my wallet, and a straight up refusal to balance the game around the average player's skill.
Gaijin has become one of the greediest companies I have ever known, they advertise new modern equipment that you wont be able to play unless you grind for over 2 years. They also made it so the only way you can progress is by buying multiple $70 vehicles, most of which is just a tech tree vehicle with a sightly different camo. I will play until my already paid for premium time runs out, then will likely quit the game all together unless things change for the better.
Don't let companies walk over you, you are just a number to them. The only way to see real change is to push back, and stop feeding them money.