Warhammer: Vermintide 2 - Grail Knight Career Review (MrDjinn)
I played this class a lot ever since it released. I play on Legendary difficulty and a lot of the time with bots or with random players.
If you want a review from someone who plays and can assess how good this class is for Cataclysm in premade teams - you'll have to look elsewhere.
Grail Knight is IMO the easiest and the strongest class in Vermintide 2 on Legendary difficulty. If you are done with base content and want to try one of the DLC classes - this one is a good place to start.
Grail Knight is a class for Kruber that forces him to use melee weapons only. This class is focused on providing support buffs to the team in form of quests. Those are random challenges like killing a specific amount of elite enemies, etc. Once you complete a quest - you get a bonus. These bonuses are randomized at the start of the game and can range from increased attack speed up to a constant HP regeneration effect. This regeneration can heal you to 100% HP, similar to the one Kerillian had way back during Beta Tests before she was nerfed into the ground by limiting it to half HP only (and it takes curse lower HP into account, which makes it hilariously useless).
Grail Knight also comes with 2 new weapons - Bretonnian Longsword and Bretonnian Sword + Shield, which is a default combo for this class and both options are stronger than base Kruber's Greatsword or Sword + Shield to compensate for the lack of a ranged weapon.
Class active skill is a huge swiping strike that can easily clear immediate area in front of Kruber from any non-boss enemy. Yes, it 1-shot-kills Chaos Warriors, even multiple ones if you can manage to hit more than one.
All these features make Grail Knight a class that is easy to get into and very strong. Even if you don't want to play him - making a bot play the Grail Knight will let you still benefit from bonuses of his quest bonuses, so it improves your gameplay quality all-round no matter if you play in single or multiplayer.
+ Strong passive boosts for entire party
Quests can have game-changing bonuses that benefit everyone.
+ Great melee weapons
Longsword is decent against armored and high-HP enemies, while shield is useful when you need more stamina to rescue someone or block a ratling gunner etc.
+ Powerful, satisfying ability
Active skill is good, feels good to use and fits the character archetype.
- Shoddy balance
Grail Knight is strong, which is good, but compared to many other classes it seems to be way overtuned. It's also funny to me how this horrible community has always cried for nerfs to Kerillian's healing, but nobody cares that Kruber now has it too (and arguably stronger, since he can provide other bonuses too) and it's locked behind a paywall.
- Cosmetics and achievements sold separately
When you buy this class, you get access to crafting new weapons with their basic skins. Those items cannot and will not drop from boxes.
In the grimoire you will have challenges that unlock cosmetics for this class, but in order to get them - you need to buy a separate pack. Greedy devs.
If you don't know which paid class to start with - Grail Knight is a good choice.
I'd give this DLC an