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cover-We Love Katamari Reroll + Royal Reverie

Thursday, August 10, 2023 4:07:33 PM

We Love Katamari Reroll + Royal Reverie Review (Rat Squeak Henderson)

Picture this if you can...
You're a Japanese salesperson, and you're walking home from work. All that can be heard are the honks of horns and disgruntled drivers as you make your way through a crowd of citizens desperately trying to make their commute as much as you are. The noise is deafening, and the only way to get through it all is to disassociate and float above your body for the time being as you make your way to lord knows where. You are married, and your relationship is strained beyond reasons you can hardly fathom. You have a wonderful child whom you dote upon yet feel that the march of time only strives to separate you from the beautiful creation that was made in your image, and made in the image of your former love. You often drink, regular as clockwork, and imagine yourself walking into the sea and being washed away with the sand. On this thought, you hear a low rumbling in the distance, that shakes you to your core, but you hardly notice. You suddenly realise that you despise your work, and you despise your suffering, and through this epiphany, you finally decide to quit your job and retire, so that you can make things right, and be with the ones who used to bring you such immeasurable joy. You smile bitterly, knowing the pain this will bring in the short term, full-knowing that when you do manage to reconnect with your lost happiness, the difficulty will have been worth the trouble. You call your spouse and tell them how sorry you are, and reassure them that everything is going to be okay. They sound surprised, yet hopeful. They support you, and they care. You've made it through the traffic, and the crowd recedes as you reach the bus line. For the first time in years, you feel hopeful. The rumbling you heard earlier is now louder than before and seems to be coming from a few blocks away. What can now be heard are screams, and cars honking their horns yet again. You care little, whatever may come matters not. You turn your gaze towards the junction across the street, and you see an enormous silhouette blocking out the sun, turning the day into night. It is moving towards you slowly, until it spins itself up to an incredible speed and crushes you beneath it, adding you to its contents. Your last memories are of the screams that became louder, the splintered bones that pierced your sternum, and the ultimate silence that followed the life being squashed out of your body. It didn't matter, in your last moments, you were happy.
Then you woke up, in a beautiful meadow with your spouse and child, they were unharmed. Everything became clearer, and a man appeared in the sky. His presence was reassuring, and you knew everything was going to be alright. Then the man in the sky asked you,
"Have you ever been to Thailand?"