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cover-We Were Here Too

Thursday, June 8, 2023 7:00:23 PM

We Were Here Too Review (Saharah)

So you finished the first game and thinking to yourself, "Is this one worth the price?"
Allow me to set the scene so you may make that decision yourself.
~You and your buddy are once again separated!
~Lore wise, there are some books scattered through some of the levels to explain the history of the castle. This is just if you are interested.
~The vibes are mysterious and a little spooky
~The castle got a whole lot bigger!
~Secret levers (that you don't know you should be looking for until the end)
~Nice architecture
~Not as much weird art in my opinion
~Walls that cave in on you if your friend doesn't shut the f up on the walkie talkie so you can tell them you're about to die, but of course they don't and afterwards they're like "Why didn't you tell me you were gonna die?" *sigh*
~Someone please tell me where these people got all the lava from when the rest of the world is frozen ice.
This time you and your partner play as the Lord and the Peasant!
Your Role as the Lord:
~This role is comparable to the Librarian from the prior game, but you have a lot more rooms to go through so there's more to interact with.
~Better step up your game in describing shapes and directions
~You are responsible for keeping your friend alive more often than vice versa
~There are still some dangers you have to look out for, but that makes it all the more fun!
~Good luck describing swords and shields
Your Role as the Peasant:
~This role is comparable to the Explorer from the last game, so you know what that means?
~You have the biggest chances of dying! Yay! How exciting!
~So long as your good at describing what you see, you'll likely live, so long as your friend is smart (Otherwise good luck)
~This time, you really need to know your lefts and rights
Glitches or Bugs:
~With my boyfriend we disconnected a lot, but with my sister we never did. Hard to say what the cause was.
Overall, the game has undoubtedly improved upon itself. I had a lot of fun playing this game and it is one of my favorites. Out of the three games that cost money, this one is the cheapest but I can understand if $10 is still a bit much for a game that you may only play twice and with the average play time being 3 or 4 hours. When on sale, I definitely recommend buying this game with your friend because I assure you you'll have a hell of a good time!
Good luck!